Magyar Ipari Alpintechnikát Oktatók Érdekvédelmi Egyesülete

Industrial Rope Acess


In Hungary there is a proffesion we call “Industrial Alpinism” which are known as industrial rope access.

In Hungary for the jobs that can be made by using rope access the prescriptions of Decree No. 11/2003 (IX. 12.) FMM of the Ministry of Employment and Labour on the Safety Code of Activites of Industrial Rope Access Technicians (ABSZ) are applied. (The translation of the Decree coming soon.)


Industrial Rope Access Activity (technique): for the purpose of doing the job, an intermittent (not continuous) activity in which the approach of the working area that exceeds the 2 metres difference, staying there, the execution of the job and the departure of the work place carried out by synchronized and simultaneous use of personal protective equipment and prescribed equipment (with Rope Access methods).

ABSZ 2.§ 8.


Prior to the current ABSZ the prescriptions of the Decree of the Ministry of Labour (Müm) no. 1/1995. (I. 6.) on the Safety Regulations of the Rope Access Technique were valid. In the new ABSZ, there were no major changes, so the most recent state of the regulation can be found under the same title always. The current ABSZ was modified in 2016 the latest, so compare to other safety regulations it can be regarded as modern and up-to-date.

Based on different rules the following qualifications and vocational levels are existing:

ipari alpinista szintek_angol




Cerified Master of Industrial Rope Access

Certified Master of Industrial Rope Access training has existed in Hungary since 2015.

Trainings that prepare for the master exam are organised and managed by the local chambers. Information about the length, timing, and costs of the trainings can be provided by the local chambers.

The master training contains two parts:

  • I. Pedagogic skills and entrepreneurship
  • II. Vocational skills

On the master exam in general:

Industrial Rope Access Technician Vocational Training (OKJ)

Industrial Rope Access Vocational training has existed in Hungary since 2006, and it got into the ABSZ on the 1st of January 2016.

The National Qualifications Register(OKJ) contains the officially recognized trainings. The Decree of the Ministry for National Economy no 27/2012 (VIII. 27.) contains the vocational qualifications and their professional and examination criteria that are competencies of the Minister of National Economy:


1. Serial No. identification no. of the Vocational Training Name of Vocational Qualification/ Partial Vocational Qualification/ Sub-Speciality Vocational Qualification Name of professional cluster
104. 103. 32 582 4 Industrial Rope Access Technician Architecture


  • 1.1. Identification number of the Vocational Qualification: 32 582 04
  • 1.2. Name of the Vocational Qualification: Industrial Rope Access Technician
  • 1.4. Number of classes in the Vocational Education and Training provided outside the school system: 150-180
  • Criteria of the start of the training:
    • 2.1.1. Pre-training: completed elementary level education
    • or in absence of pre-training:
      • 2.1.2. Input competencies: the training can be started by the possession of the competences concerning the Other Service Professional Cluster determined in the Annex no. 3 of this Decree
  • Professional pre-training: –
  • Allotted practice: –
  • Medical eligibility requirements: needed
  • Profession eligibility requirements: –
  • Proportion of academic training time:     30 %
  • Proportion of practical training time: 70 %

3.2. Short description of the job profile of the vocational qualification:

Cleaning, refurbishment, building, wrecking, maintenance or other jobs, connected to the qualification, including rescue work and secure other non-technician co-workers in areas where difficult to get, at high-rise buildings, on large-sized machines, antenna, tower or mast, using rope instead of man platform or scaffolding.

Supporting leisure activities and sport events in adventure parks, climbing walls and other recreational facilities using rope techniques.

Doing collective rescue work in special circumstances – aheight, deep and enclosed space – using rope techniques.

The competent user of the qualification can:

  • studying plans, making sure of its feasibility
  • evaluating forces, loadability, allocating and building up the guarding and descending points
  • fitting up himself with the compulsory and necessary personal protecting equipment for the work
  • by using the rope, descending or ascending to the workspace and doing the job
  • moving in fall hazardous places by using fall protection systems
  • lowering, moving and protecting specialists or sportsman by providing the continuous rescue facilities
  • preparing the required track by maintaining the fall protection system continuously
  • specifying the required equipment and technology at lifting tasks
  • analysing the rescue options, methods, selecting the best rescue solutions
  • preparing the rescue plan, then execute the rescue operation




  A B
4.1. The professional criteria modules of the vocational qualification, according to the Decree of the Vocational Qualifications’ Professional Criteria approved by the State
4.2. Identification number Name
4.4. 11333-12 General Rope Technique
4.5. 11334-12 Rope Technique in Industrial Environment
4.6. 11335-12 Rope Technique of Leisure Activities
4.7. 11336-12 Rescue by using Rope Technique

The examination takes place according to the prescriptions of the Edict of the Government no. 315/2013. (VIII. 28.) on the regulations of the complex vocational examinations.

Europass Certificate Supplements are available in hungarian, english, german and french.


Industrial Rope Access Assistant

One of the main goals of our association is that the officially not recognized Industrial Rope Access Assistant training would meet as well with the high quality standards and our students could cope with any situations in abroad too.

Our partners organize and make the training of the Industrial Rope Access Technician Assistant in this spirit.