Magyar Ipari Alpintechnikát Oktatók Érdekvédelmi Egyesülete

About us


Since fountation in 2005 the goal of the Hungarian Industrial Rope Access Instructors Association (MIAOE) are the protection of trainers against the authoritys, lawmakers during lawmaking and modifying, and during procedures.

MIAOE has 5 member training companies and 2 PPE dealer company.

MIAOE has been part of developing a national Decree on Security Code for rope access technicians. First edition in 1995. Second edition in 2003.

MIAOE has been part of developing the Industrial Alpinist profession, specifing the profession and examination criteria in the National Qualifications Register(OKJ).


Technical assistance.

Connecting pages:

Bevezető gondolatok az ipari alpinizmusról, kialakulásáról, oktatásáról

Gondolatok az ipari alpinista képzésekről